Deputy Registrar Ms. Carol Misiewicz led a delegation including Stipendiary and Circuit Magistrates Mrs. Kara Turnquest-Deveaux and Mr. Charlton Smith, Chief Court Reporter Mrs. Royanne Morrison and Miss Yvonne Taylor from the Department of Transformation and Digitization on a Study Tour of the Judiciary of Trinidad & Tobago from the 18 thru 20 November 2019. The focus of the tour was to observe the digital recording system in use in the courts in Trinidad and Tobago which is similar to the one currently installed in the Magistrates and Supreme Court in The Bahamas. The digital recording system provides for the audio recording of the court proceedings. It would be particularly valuable in the Magistrates Court in The Bahamas because that court has
no dedicated court reporters. The delegation visited the Magistrates’ Courts, High Court and Children’s Court and viewed the system in operation.
Trinidad Study Tour November 2019