On November 11, 2019 the Honourable Chief Justice Mr. Brian M. Moree, Q.C. and members of the Rules Committee conducted a half day workshop for members of the Bahamas Bar Association in New Providence which was live streamed to members in Freeport introducing the changes to the new Civil Procedure Rules. Over 150 members attended. The rules are still in the drafting phase however, the Chief Justice stated that a working draft of the new Rules will be circulated to members of the Bar in the first week of December, 2019. Additional training sessions and workshops are planned for the New Year.
The PowerPoint presentations used at the workshop have been shared with the Bar Association and is available for download with the below link. As the rules are still in the drafting stage members are urged to bear this in mind when they review the presentations.
Bar Workshop 11 November 2019 Power Point Presentation
BBA Rules Committee Power Point Presentation
BAH CPR – Judgments and Orders
Presentation to Bar on Proposed Civil Procedure Rules – Bahamas