UPDATE 17th March, 2020: The attached PDF, linked here, contains the press release for the Coronavirus Mitigation Procedures for the Courts.
UPDATE 16th March, 2020: The release of the first phase of the Coronavirus mitigation protocols for the Courts has been delayed to Tuesday, 17th March 2020 at 9:00am. The new procedures will be effective as of Wednesday, 18th March 2020.
Court Hearings for Tuesday, 17th March 2020 will proceed subject to the discretion of the presiding judicial officer.
The Chief Justice will announce the Coronavirus mitigation protocols for the Courts on Monday, 16th March at 4:30pm. In the meantime, Court hearings for Monday will proceed subject to the discretion of the presiding judicial officer. The new procedures will apply to all Court proceedings effective Tuesday, 17th of March 2020.
The new Coronavirus Court procedures will be posted on this website and circulated to the Bahamas Bar Associations and the local media.
Further information can be obtained from the Registrar of the Supreme Court and all questions relating to the new procedures should be directed to the Office of the Registrar.